
What is the Difference Between a Step-In Harness and a Harness?

Why do Harnesses Encourage Pulling?

What is the Difference Between a Step-In Harness and a Harness?

Ever stood in the aisle of a pet store, scratching your head at the plethora of dog harness options? If you’ve found yourself pondering, “What exactly is the difference between a step-in harness and a regular harness?” then you’re in the right place. Let’s untangle these options to help you make the best choice for your tail-wagging friend.

Step-in harnesses and regular harnesses differ primarily in their design and method of application, impacting ease of use, comfort, and control during walks.

Dive deeper with me as we explore the nuances of each type of harness, ensuring you’re equipped with the knowledge to choose the perfect fit for your pooch.

What’s a Step-In Harness?

A step-in harness is named for its straightforward method of application. Your dog steps into the harness with their front legs, and you secure it on their back. This type of harness typically forms a figure-eight around the pet’s legs and secures over the back. It’s incredibly popular for small to medium-sized breeds due to its ease of use.

Mesh Dog Harness

Advantages of Step-In Harnesses:

  • Ease of Use: Perfect for wriggly dogs or those averse to things being pulled over their heads.
  • Even Pressure Distribution: Reduces strain on the neck and back, ideal for breeds susceptible to respiratory issues.

Disadvantages of Step-In Harnesses:

  • Limited Adjustability: May not offer as much room for adjustment as other types of harnesses, potentially leading to a less custom fit.
  • Escape Risk: Dogs that are clever at wiggling out may find it easier to escape a poorly fitted step-in harness.

What’s a Regular (Overhead) Harness?

The regular, or overhead, harness is slipped over your dog’s head and secured with straps around the body. This type is more common and comes in various styles, including those with front clips, back clips, or both, which can be useful depending on your dog’s size, breed, and behavior.

Advantages of Regular Harnesses:

  • Versatile Designs: Available in many styles to suit different training needs and activities.
  • Secure Fit: Often provides more points of adjustment for a snug fit, making it harder for the dog to escape.

Disadvantages of Regular Harnesses:

  • Can Be Intimidating: Some dogs might not like having something pulled over their head.
  • Complexity: More straps and buckles can complicate the process of putting it on and taking it off.

Which one is more comfortable and easier to control the dog?

Comfort and control are paramount when selecting a harness. Step-in harnesses are generally seen as more comfortable for dogs that dislike manipulation, as they don’t require anything to be pulled over the head and face. Regular harnesses, however, often provide superior control, especially for larger dogs or those that pull excessively, as they allow for more points of leverage.

When to Choose Which?

When to Use a Step-In Dog Harness

Step-in harnesses are generally suited for:

  1. Dogs with Sensitive or Shy Temperaments:
    • If your dog is sensitive around the head or doesn’t like having items pulled over their head, a step-in harness is ideal because it only requires the dog to step into it without anything going over the head.
  2. Older or Arthritic Dogs:
    • For dogs with mobility issues or arthritis, step-in harnesses can be easier to put on since they require minimal manipulation of the dog’s limbs and no need to raise their head or maneuver their legs through straps aggressively.
  3. Small to Medium-Sized Dogs:
    • Step-in harnesses are often lighter and less bulky, making them a good choice for smaller dogs who might feel overwhelmed by a lot of fabric or weight.
  4. Quick and Easy Dressing Needs:
    • If you prioritize a quick dressing routine, for instance, during a busy morning walk, step-in harnesses can be put on and taken off relatively quickly and easily.

When to Use a Regular Harness (Overhead Harness)

Regular or overhead harnesses are usually preferable for:

  1. Training and Better Control:
    • Overhead harnesses often provide more coverage and can offer better control over your dog, making them suitable for training purposes, especially for teaching dogs not to pull or for managing large and strong breeds.
  2. Active Dogs and Outdoor Adventures:
    • For dogs that engage in vigorous activities, such as hiking or running, the extra support and secure fit of an overhead harness can ensure they’re safely contained and comfortable, even during dynamic movements.
  3. Dogs Prone to Escaping:
    • Overhead harnesses often have a more secure fit with multiple adjustment points, making them a good choice for “escape artists” who might try to wriggle out of a looser step-in harness.
  4. Dogs Needing Extra Support:
    • Some overhead harnesses come with additional features like handles for lifting, which can be helpful for assisting dogs with mobility issues or when navigating obstacles.

Both step-in and overhead harnesses have their advantages, and the choice between them should be based on what best meets your and your dog’s specific needs. Always ensure that any harness you choose fits properly without causing discomfort or restricting movement. Regular checks and adjustments to the fit, especially as your dog grows or changes in weight, will keep them comfortable and safe during their activities.

How to wear step in dog harness?

Wearing a step-in dog harness correctly is crucial for your dog’s comfort and safety. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to properly put a step-in harness on your dog:

Step 1: Prepare the Harness

  • Lay the harness flat on the ground to identify the left and right straps and which part is the top (where the leash attaches). The harness typically looks like a figure “8” with two armholes.

Step 2: Position Your Dog

  • Encourage your dog to stand over the harness. You might need to use treats to coax them into the correct position directly above the harness, aligning their legs with the armholes.

Step 3: Place the Legs Through the Armholes

  • Gently lift each front leg, one at a time, and place it into the respective holes of the harness. Be gentle to avoid causing any discomfort or resistance.

Step 4: Clip the Harness

  • Once both legs are through, lift the harness up around your dog’s legs and chest. The top part of the harness, which often contains the leash attachment, should rest comfortably on your dog’s back. Secure the buckles or clips on the harness’s back. Ensure it is not twisted.

Step 5: Adjust for Fit

  • Adjust the harness so that it fits snugly but not too tightly. You should be able to fit two fingers under any strap of the harness. Check that it does not chafe around the legs or chest area. Make sure the harness is not too loose, as a loose harness can allow your dog to escape or get caught on objects.

Step 6: Attach the Leash

  • Once the harness is securely and comfortably in place, attach the leash to the attachment point, usually located on the back of the harness. Some harnesses may have a front attachment as well for additional control.

Step 7: Safety Check

  • Before heading out, give the harness a gentle tug to ensure it is secure and won’t come loose. Observe your dog walking in the harness to make sure it allows for natural movement and doesn’t irritate their skin or restrict their breathing.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the step-in harness is a safe, comfortable, and secure choice for your dog during walks.

How to wear Regular Harness?

Putting on a regular (often referred to as an overhead) harness involves a few key steps to ensure it fits correctly and comfortably on your dog. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to properly put a regular harness on your dog:

Step 1: Prepare the Harness

  • Start by holding the harness in front of you to identify the top (where the leash attaches), the bottom (underneath the dog), the front chest piece, and the straps that will go around the neck and belly. Some harnesses might have labels or color coding to help distinguish these parts.

Step 2: Position Your Dog

  • Encourage your dog to sit or stand calmly while you prepare to put on the harness. This can be facilitated with treats and soothing praise to keep them relaxed and cooperative.

Step 3: Slip the Harness Over the Head

  • Hold the harness open and gently slip your dog’s head through the neck piece. Ensure the harness’s top sits comfortably on your dog’s back, and the D-ring (where the leash attaches) should be positioned above the dog’s shoulders.

Step 4: Arrange the Chest Piece

  • Arrange the chest piece so that it sits comfortably across your dog’s chest and not up against their neck. This piece should sit low enough to not choke them but high enough that it doesn’t hang loose.

Step 5: Fasten the Buckles

  • Bring the belly strap around the back of your dog and fasten the buckles. Some harnesses might have multiple buckles or clips, especially on larger or more adjustable models. Make sure each buckle is securely fastened.

Step 6: Adjust for Fit

  • Adjust the straps to fit your dog’s body. You should aim for a snug fit that doesn’t pinch or restrict your dog’s movement. A good rule of thumb is being able to fit two fingers comfortably under any strap. Check the fit around both the neck and belly to ensure the harness doesn’t slide loosely or squeeze too tightly.

Step 7: Attach the Leash and Safety Check

  • Attach the leash to the harness’s D-ring. Before going out, give a gentle tug on the leash to ensure everything is secure and the harness doesn’t shift excessively or appear uncomfortable for your dog.

Step 8: Monitor Your Dog’s Comfort

  • Keep an eye on your dog’s behavior and comfort level while they are wearing the harness. Look for any signs of discomfort or irritation, such as rubbing, pinching, or restricted movement. If your dog seems distressed, double-check the fit and make any necessary adjustments.


Both step-in and regular harnesses have their place in the world of dog walking gear. Your choice should depend on your dog’s size, behavior, and your own handling preference. The right harness can turn a chaotic walk into a pleasant stroll.

QQPETS is the leading wholesale dog harness manufacturer of adjustable harnesses for dogs and other items that people may use when walking their dogs. Our goal is to make dog walking easy for pet owners by providing valuable accessories. We offer a variety of customization services including custom logos, custom graphics, custom products and more. If you want to start your dog products business, check out our website and contact us today.

FAQ about dog

What is the difference between a step-in harness and a normal harness?

Step-In Harness:

  • Design: A step-in harness typically lays flat on the ground and requires your dog to literally ‘step in’ to it with their front legs. You then pull the harness up and clip it on the back.
  • Ease of Use: These are often easier to put on dogs that are sensitive about having things put over their head.
  • Fit and Coverage: Generally, step-in harnesses cover less of the body, which can be ideal for dogs who prefer less coverage or for use in warmer weather.

Overhead Harness:

  • Design: Overhead harnesses usually have a loop that goes over the dog’s head and straps that wrap around the body. This type often has more points of adjustment.
  • Control: Provides more coverage and may offer better control over larger dogs or those that pull significantly.
  • Comfort and Security: These harnesses often feature additional padding and can distribute pressure more evenly across the chest and shoulders.

Why Use a Step-In Harness?

Advantages of Step-In Harnesses:

  • Ease of Dressing: They are particularly beneficial for dogs that dislike having harnesses pulled over their heads or for those with broad heads or ears that make overhead harnesses cumbersome to apply.
  • Comfort: They typically provide a lightweight fit and less coverage, which can be more comfortable during hot weather or for dogs with longer fur.
  • Suitable for Small to Medium Dogs: Ideal for smaller dogs as they provide sufficient control without the bulkiness that can overwhelm a smaller frame.

What is a Step-In or Overhead Harness?

This question seems to cover the basic definitions already detailed above:

  • Step-In Harness: Requires the dog to step into it before fastening, ideal for ease of use and comfort.
  • Overhead Harness: Involves slipping a loop over the dog’s head and is excellent for providing enhanced control and security.

How Do You Step-In a Harness?

Steps to Put on a Step-In Harness:

  1. Lay the Harness Flat: Place the harness flat on the ground so you can clearly see each loop where the dog’s legs will go.
  2. Position Your Dog: Encourage your dog to stand over the harness.
  3. Insert the Legs: Gently guide your dog’s front legs into the loops. This might require bending their legs slightly to help them step in.
  4. Pull Up and Fasten: Once their legs are in, pull the harness up around their body and fasten the clips on the back. Ensure the D-ring where the leash attaches is in the correct position, typically on the back.
  5. Adjust for Fit: Make sure the harness is snug but not tight. You should be able to fit two fingers under any strap. Adjust the straps if needed to ensure a comfortable fit without any pinching or loose areas.

Article by

Kyra Luo

Product Design Manager

Kyra is the Product Design Manager at QQPETS, where her expertise in developing high-quality, customized pet products and keen insight into market trends has helped hundreds of clients achieve their goals, save money, and satisfy consumer needs.

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Kyra Luo

Product Design Manager

Kyra is the Product Design Manager at QQPETS, where her expertise in developing high-quality, customized pet products and keen insight into market trends has helped hundreds of clients achieve their goals, save money, and satisfy consumer needs.

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