
Why is My Dog a Nightmare on Walks?

Why is My Dog a Nightmare on Walks?

Ever felt like you’re being dragged through a hedge backwards when trying to enjoy a peaceful stroll with your furry friend? Hi there! QQPETS is a specialist manufacturer of dog accessories, where we specialize in everything from stylish leashes to robust harnesses designed to handle even the most enthusiastic pups.

Sometimes, our canine companions turn walks into a challenge, often due to a combination of excess energy, lack of training, and the wrong walking gear.

Now, don’t fret! You’re not doomed to a lifetime of chaotic walks. Let’s unleash some tips and tricks to turn those nightmarish walks into delightful strolls.

What Makes a Dog Misbehave on Walks?

Understanding the root causes of your dog’s pulling, zigzagging, or lunging can transform your approach. Dogs might act out during walks for several reasons: high energy levels, an unmet need for mental stimulation, or simply the thrill of exploring. It’s like they’re at an amusement park—every sight, sound, and smell is an attraction they just can’t resist!

The key is channeling that excitement into positive behaviors.

Is It All About the Energy?

Absolutely! A dog bursting with energy is more likely to turn your quiet walk into a sprint. Imagine being cooped up all day with nothing but your toys—once you get a taste of freedom, you’d be sprinting for joy too!

Regular and varied exercise routines can help manage this energy. Incorporate activities that fulfill their natural instincts like sniffing, chasing, and exploring.

How Does Training Come Into Play?

Training is crucial. Without basic leash manners, a dog might not understand how to behave on walks. Start with fundamental commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, and especially ‘heel’. Consistent training sessions reinforce these commands, making walks much more enjoyable.

Incorporate training gradually into your walks. Begin in a quiet environment to minimize distractions and gradually introduce more challenging scenarios.

Could the Problem Be the Gear?

Sometimes, the solution is as simple as switching up the gear. Not all collars and harnesses are created equal, and some might encourage pulling or make it uncomfortable for your dog to walk properly. A properly fitted harness that allows for easy control and comfortable movement can make all the difference.

Ensure the harness or collar is comfortable and adjust it as needed. Need help choosing? Visit selecting the right dog gear for guidance.

What About Mental Stimulation?

Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise. Bored dogs can be disruptive. Integrate interactive toys, treat-dispensing gadgets, or obedience games into your daily routine to keep their minds sharp and engaged.

This not only improves their behavior on walks but enhances their overall well-being.

Can Socialization Affect Walk Behavior?

Socialization plays a huge role in how your dog behaves on walks. Dogs that aren’t regularly exposed to other dogs, people, and environments may react more aggressively or fearfully. Socializing your dog from a young age can prevent these issues and make your walks much smoother.


Transforming your nightmare walks into dreamy strolls is all about understanding and addressing the root causes of your dog’s behavior. With the right approach to exercise, training, gear, and mental stimulation, you’ll be leading the way in no time.

QQPETS is the leading wholesale dog harness manufacturer of adjustable harnesses for dogs and other items that people may use when walking their dogs. Our goal is to make dog walking easy for pet owners by providing valuable accessories. We offer a variety of customization services including custom logos, custom graphics, custom products and more. If you want to start your dog products business, check out our website and contact us today.

FAQ about dog walking

  1. Why does my dog pull on the leash during walks?
    • Dogs often pull due to excitement, excessive energy, or a lack of training in proper leash behavior.
  2. Can the type of harness or collar affect my dog’s behavior on walks?
    • Yes, the right type of harness can distribute pressure more comfortably and discourage pulling by redirecting your dog’s forward momentum.
  3. How can regular exercise change my dog’s behavior on walks?
    • Regular exercise helps burn off excess energy, making your dog calmer and more manageable during walks.
  4. What are the signs that my dog is not mentally stimulated enough?
    • Signs include destructive behavior at home, excessive barking, restlessness, and problematic behaviors during walks like pulling or running erratically.
  5. How does proper training influence a dog’s behavior during walks?
    • Proper training teaches a dog how to behave on the leash, respond to commands, and walk calmly by your side, reducing incidents of pulling and disobedience.
  6. What is the best way to introduce a new harness to my dog?
    • Introduce the new harness gradually, allowing your dog to sniff and wear it for short periods at home before attempting to use it on a walk.
  7. How can I improve my dog’s social behavior during walks?
    • Gradually expose your dog to various social situations with other dogs and people, rewarding calm and friendly interactions to reinforce positive behavior.
  8. Why might my dog react aggressively towards other dogs or people during walks?
    • Aggression can stem from fear, lack of socialization, protective behavior, or previous negative experiences. Training and gradual positive exposure can help mitigate this.
  9. What should I do if my dog continues to behave poorly on walks despite training and exercise?
    • Consider consulting a professional dog trainer or a behaviorist who can provide personalized guidance and identify specific issues that may be causing the undesirable behavior.
  10. How important is consistency in training when dealing with a dog that is difficult on walks?
    • Consistency is crucial; irregular or inconsistent training can confuse your dog and lead to poor behaviors persisting or worsening. Regular, consistent training reinforces good behavior and expectations.

Article by

Kyra Luo

Product Design Manager

Kyra is the Product Design Manager at QQPETS, where her expertise in developing high-quality, customized pet products and keen insight into market trends has helped hundreds of clients achieve their goals, save money, and satisfy consumer needs.

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Kyra Luo

Product Design Manager

Kyra is the Product Design Manager at QQPETS, where her expertise in developing high-quality, customized pet products and keen insight into market trends has helped hundreds of clients achieve their goals, save money, and satisfy consumer needs.

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