Kako narediti psa poslušnega?

Kako narediti psa poslušnega?

Hey there, fellow pet enthusiasts! It’s your friendly dog trainer from Guangzhou QQPETS, here to share some tail-wagging tips on molding our canine companions into obedient pals. Whether you’re a newbie puppy parent or an experienced dog handler, getting your furry friend to mind manners is both rewarding and essential.

Understanding obedience is crucial in fostering a healthy relationship between you and your dog. Let’s walk through some tried and true methods to achieve a well-behaved pooch, keeping things fun and humane!

Why is Obedience Training Important?

Before we dive into the ‘how,’ let’s talk about the ‘why.’ Obedience training is not just about having a dog that can impress your friends with tricks. It’s about safety, mental stimulation, and building a strong bond between you and your pet.

1. Varnost: A well-trained dog responds well in potentially dangerous situations, such as encountering wildlife or needing to stop on command.

2. Mentalna stimulacija: Training sessions are fantastic ways to mentally engage your dog, keeping them happy and healthy.

3. Bonding: The process of training builds trust and mutual respect. Your dog learns to look to you for cues, and you learn to understand their needs and natural behaviors.

Essential Obedience Commands

Let’s get to the meaty part—training! Here are foundational commands every dog should know:

1. Sit: This basic command helps manage many other behaviors and situations.

2. Pridite na: Crucial for off-leash walking and safety, this command brings your dog back to you despite distractions.

3. Ostanite: Teaches your dog patience and can prevent them from running into dangerous areas.

Step-by-Step Training Techniques

Training your dog requires consistency, patience, and the right approach. Here’s how you can effectively train your dog:

1. Pozitivna okrepitev: Always use positive methods. Treats, praises, and play can make learning enjoyable and effective.

2. Ključna je doslednost: Dogs learn best through repeated, consistent actions. Use the same commands and rewards to help your dog understand what you expect from them.

3. Short Training Sessions: Keep training sessions short and sweet. 10-15 minutes is perfect for keeping your dog engaged without overwhelming them.

4. Patience and Positivity: Some days will be more challenging than others. Maintain a positive attitude, and don’t get discouraged if progress seems slow.

Dealing with Common Behavioral Issues

No dog is perfect, and you might encounter a few bumps along the road. Here’s how to handle common behavioral challenges:

1. Biting or Nipping: Teach bite inhibition by ending play if your dog nips. Use toys instead of hands during play to prevent biting habits.

2. Jumping Up: Ignore your dog when they jump up and reward them when all four paws are on the ground.

3. Barking: Understand why your dog barks. If it’s out of boredom, more exercise and mental stimulation can help.

Advanced Tips for Maintaining Obedience

Once you’ve mastered basic commands, you can move on to more advanced techniques:

1. Socializacija: Expose your dog to different environments, animals, and people to improve their adaptability.

2. Challenge with New Commands: Keep training interesting by teaching new tricks and commands.

3. Regular Refreshers: Revisit basic commands regularly to ensure your dog doesn’t forget their training.


Obedience training is an ongoing process that enhances the life of every dog and owner. With the right approach, a little patience, and a lot of love, your dog can become the obedient, happy pet you’ve always wanted.

QQPETS je vodilni proizvajalec pasjih pasjih pasov po meri, ki izdeluje nastavljive pasje pasove za pse in druge predmete, ki jih ljudje lahko uporabljajo pri sprehajanju svojih psov. Naš cilj je lastnikom hišnih ljubljenčkov olajšati sprehajanje psov z zagotavljanjem dragocenih pripomočkov. Ponujamo različne storitve prilagajanja, vključno z logotipi po meri, vzorci po meri, materiali po meri, velikostmi po meri ter izdelki po meri in še več. Če želite ustanoviti podjetje za izdelke za pse, si oglejte našo spletno stran in nas kontaktirajte še danes.

Pogosta vprašanja o psu

How do I get my dog to obey?
Use consistent commands, positive reinforcement, and patience. Reward your dog for good behavior and be clear with expectations.

Kako kaznovati psa, ki ne posluša?
Use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior and redirect bad behavior. Avoid harsh punishment and stay consistent with training.

How do you fix a disobedient dog?
Go back to basic training, establish a routine, and reinforce commands with treats and praise. Increase focus through short, consistent training sessions.

How do I get my stubborn dog to obey?
Be patient, use high-value treats, and keep training sessions short and fun. Make sure the dog understands the command before expecting obedience, and always reinforce positive behavior.


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Kyra Luo

Vodja oblikovanja izdelkov

Kyra je vodja oblikovanja izdelkov pri podjetju QQPETS, kjer je s svojim strokovnim znanjem na področju razvoja visokokakovostnih in prilagojenih izdelkov za hišne živali ter dobrim vpogledom v tržne trende pomagala več sto strankam doseči njihove cilje, prihraniti denar in zadovoljiti potrebe potrošnikov.

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Kyra Luo

Vodja oblikovanja izdelkov

Kyra je vodja oblikovanja izdelkov pri podjetju QQPETS, kjer je s svojim strokovnim znanjem na področju razvoja visokokakovostnih in prilagojenih izdelkov za hišne živali ter dobrim vpogledom v tržne trende pomagala več sto strankam doseči njihove cilje, prihraniti denar in zadovoljiti potrebe potrošnikov.

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