
What to Avoid in a Dog Harness?

What to Avoid in a Dog Harness?

Strolling through the pet store, harnesses in every shape and size catch your eye. You pause, harness in hand, and ponder, “What should I avoid in a dog harness?” As a seasoned manufacturer of pet products, including harnesses tailored to fit every pooch’s needs, I’ve seen firsthand the common pitfalls that can turn a simple walk into a struggle. Today, I’m here to share the insider scoop on what to steer clear of when selecting the perfect harness for your furry friend.

Avoid harnesses that restrict movement, cause chafing, or are too complex to use effectively. When choosing a dog harness, ensure it fits properly, offers adjustability and sufficient padding, is made of breathable material, has durable hardware, does not restrict movement, and features reflective elements for safety, all without putting pressure on your dog’s neck.

Picking the right harness is crucial—not just for your dog’s comfort but for their safety and your peace of mind. Let’s explore the common missteps to avoid to ensure your walks are enjoyable and hassle-free.

What Makes a Bad Dog Harness?

When choosing a dog harness, it’s crucial to avoid certain features to ensure your dog’s comfort and safety. Here are the key points to consider:

  1. Fit: Avoid harnesses that are too tight or too loose. Proper fit is essential to prevent discomfort and escape.
  2. Padding: Ensure the harness has sufficient padding to avoid chafing and skin irritation.
  3. Adjustability: Choose a harness that offers adjustable straps to accommodate your dog’s growth or weight changes.
  4. Complexity: Opt for a harness with a simple design for easy use.
  5. Material: Select breathable materials to prevent overheating, especially in warm climates.
  6. Durability: Look for strong hardware made from durable materials to ensure safety.
  7. Mobility: Avoid harnesses that restrict your dog’s natural movement, particularly around the shoulders.
  8. Visibility: Choose harnesses with reflective materials for increased safety during low-light conditions.
  9. Neck Pressure: Make sure the harness does not exert pressure on your dog’s neck, even when pulling.

By focusing on these factors, you can select a harness that is safe, comfortable, and suitable for your dog’s activities.

What’s the Best dog harness?

QQPETS Reflective No Pull Tactical Dog Harness

The QQPETS Reflective No Pull Tactical Dog Harness comes equipped with not one, but two leash attachment points—like having dual-climate control for your dog walks! One is on the back for those leisurely strolls when Fido is on his best behavior, and the other is on the chest for those turbo-pulled training sessions. This design offers versatility and enhanced control, making it a favorite among pet owners and trainers alike. The front clip is particularly handy for training purposes, especially with dogs that tend to pull. When they try to charge ahead, the front leash attachment gently steers them back towards the trainer, effectively putting a brake on their pulling spree. It’s like teaching your dog leash manners with a built-in ‘etiquette enforcer.’ Meanwhile, the back clip is perfect for relaxed walks with well-trained, non-pulling pooches, or when direct control over your dog’s direction isn’t necessary. It allows dogs to comfortably walk or run, moving freely and naturally. The dual-clip design allows for a smooth switch between training mode and comfortable walking mode without the hassle of changing harnesses. This makes it ideal for various walking environments and situations. The QQPETS Reflective No Pull Tactical Dog Harness is a multifunctional, effective training tool and a comfortable choice for everyday walks, making it a top pick for many pet parents. It’s suited for all stages of training and walking scenarios—like a Swiss Army knife for your dog’s outdoor adventures!

QQPETS Martingale No-Pull Dog Harness

Smart Tension Design: Features a unique chest plate that relaxes during calm walks but tightens when the dog pulls, gently stopping the pulling without constant pressure. Dual Leash Attachments: Like the tactical model, this harness also includes front and back clips for training and easy walks. Rear Handle and Padding: The handle on the back provides extra control, while padding reduces discomfort or injury from pulling. Versatile Use: The Martingale’s dual-clip design allows easy switching between training setups and more relaxed configurations, adapting to various walking environments and situations.


In the world of dog harnesses, knowing what to avoid is just as important as knowing what to look for. As someone deeply rooted in the pet product industry, I recommend taking the time to measure your dog, consider their specific needs, and choose a harness that combines ease of use, comfort, safety, and durability.

QQPETS is the leading wholesale dog harness manufacturer of adjustable harnesses for dogs and other items that people may use when walking their dogs. Our goal is to make dog walking easy for pet owners by providing valuable accessories. We offer a variety of customization services including custom logos, custom graphics, custom products and more. If you want to start your dog products business, check out our website and contact us today.

FAQ about dog

Is It Bad for a Dog to Wear a Harness?

Not inherently, but the wrong type of harness can cause problems:

  • Restriction of Movement: Some harness designs can restrict a dog’s natural shoulder movement and gait, which could lead to musculoskeletal issues over time, particularly if the harness is worn frequently and during vigorous activity.
  • Chafing and Skin Damage: A poorly fitted harness can cause chafing and irritation, particularly under the legs or around the chest area where the harness might rub against the skin during movement.
  • Heat and Discomfort: In warm climates, a bulky or non-breathable harness can cause a dog to overheat or be uncomfortable.

What Damage Can a Harness Do to a Dog?

If not properly fitted or if used excessively:

  • Physical Injury: Continuous rubbing or a tight harness can lead to skin abrasions, fur loss, and in severe cases, direct physical injury to the underlying skin.
  • Behavioral Issues: A dog experiencing discomfort from a harness might develop aversions to being handled or to the harness itself, which can complicate training and daily activities.

Why Do Some Dog Trainers Not Like Harnesses?

  • Reduced Control: Some trainers believe that harnesses, particularly those that only attach at the back, give dogs too much leverage to pull, making it difficult to control or guide the dog effectively, especially during training for precise commands.
  • Training Effectiveness: Harnesses can sometimes reinforce pulling behaviors by allowing dogs to exert more force without discomfort, which is counterproductive in leash training.
  • Preference for Direct Feedback: Collars can provide more immediate feedback to the dog through subtle cues and corrections, which some trainers find crucial for effective communication during training.

What Are the Risks of a Harness?

  • Improper Fit: The most common risk is an improper fit, which can lead to the issues mentioned above, such as restricted movement and chafing.
  • False Sense of Security: Some owners may feel a harness alone is enough to manage a strong or reactive dog, which can lead to overreliance on the harness without proper training to correct undesirable behaviors.

Article by

Kyra Luo

Product Design Manager

Kyra is the Product Design Manager at QQPETS, where her expertise in developing high-quality, customized pet products and keen insight into market trends has helped hundreds of clients achieve their goals, save money, and satisfy consumer needs.

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Kyra Luo

Product Design Manager

Kyra is the Product Design Manager at QQPETS, where her expertise in developing high-quality, customized pet products and keen insight into market trends has helped hundreds of clients achieve their goals, save money, and satisfy consumer needs.

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