Kāpēc suņu treneri neizmanto siksnas?

Kāpēc suņu treneri neizmanto siksnas?

Hello, fellow dog enthusiasts! Ever wondered why many professional dog trainers stick to collars instead of harnesses? It’s a topic that sparks quite the debate among pet owners and trainers alike. So, let’s leash up our curiosity and explore this quirky query!

Harnesses vs. Collars: The Training Perspective

When it comes to training a new puppy or even an older dog, trainers often opt for collars over harnesses. Now, you might think, “But harnesses are more comfortable, right?” Well, comfort is key, but when it comes to training, effectiveness takes the lead. Harnesses, especially the no-pull variety, distribute pressure around the chest and back, which can be great for casual walks but might not give the precise control needed during training sessions.

Harnesses can inadvertently teach dogs that pulling is acceptable because the design minimizes the discomfort of pulling. This can lead to a pooch who’s a puller not because they’re stubborn, but because the feedback they’re getting (or not getting) from their harness isn’t correcting the behavior. On the other paw, a collar, particularly a training or martingale collar, provides direct feedback. A slight tug can guide a dog more effectively without causing harm when used correctly.

Training Goals and Techniques

The goal of training is to build communication between you and your furry friend, teaching them to follow cues and walk nicely on a leash. Trainers often find that a collar can provide subtle cues through the leash to direct a dog’s attention back to their handler, which is essential during training. It’s about that gentle reminder to your dog about who’s leading the dance.

Harnesses, while fantastic for preventing injury and providing comfort during long walks or adventures, might not offer the same level of immediate control or feedback needed in a training scenario. This doesn’t make harnesses bad—far from it! It’s just that for the specific goals of training, especially initial leash training, collars can sometimes offer more.

Safety and Specific Scenarios

There’s a time and place for both harnesses and collars. For dogs with medical conditions like tracheal collapse, or for brachycephalic breeds (those adorable flat-faced dogs), a harness is often the safer choice to avoid putting any pressure on their necks. However, during training sessions, trainers might use a safe and appropriate collar to teach leash manners more effectively.

Remember, the key to using a collar safely is to ensure it’s the right type and fit. A properly fitted collar, used with gentle, consistent training techniques, should not cause discomfort or harm to your dog.

Why Trainers Might Skip Harnesses

  • Tiešā vadība: Collars allow for subtle, immediate corrections during training.
  • Feedback: They provide clearer communication via slight leash cues, which can help in teaching dogs not to pull.
  • Training Efficiency: Some trainers find collars more effective for teaching leash discipline quickly and safely.

Harnesses Are Still a Hero!

Don’t get me wrong, harnesses are a hero for many pet parents and are essential for specific situations. They’re especially great for casual walks, hiking, and any time you’re not actively training. Plus, they reduce the risk of injury for dogs prone to pulling by distributing pressure more evenly around the body.


Choosing between a harness and a collar for training depends largely on your dog’s breed, behavior, health, and the specific training objectives. While some trainers prefer collars for the reasons discussed, many integrate both tools depending on the activity and the dog’s needs.

QQPETS ir vadošais pielāgotu suņu siksnu ražotājs, kas ražo regulējamas siksnas suņiem un citus priekšmetus, ko cilvēki var izmantot, pastaigājoties ar saviem suņiem. Mūsu mērķis ir atvieglot suņu pastaigas mājdzīvnieku īpašniekiem, nodrošinot vērtīgus piederumus. Mēs piedāvājam dažādus pielāgošanas pakalpojumus, tostarp pielāgotus logotipus, pielāgotus modeļus, pielāgotus materiālus, pielāgotus izmērus un pielāgotus produktus un daudz ko citu. Ja vēlaties sākt savu suņu izstrādājumu biznesu, apskatiet mūsu tīmekļa vietni un sazinieties ar mums jau šodien.

Biežāk uzdotie jautājumi par suni

Why do dog trainers not recommend harnesses?

Some dog trainers do not recommend harnesses because they can allow dogs to pull more effectively by using their body weight, which can make it harder to teach proper leash manners and control during training.

Is it bad to train a dog with a harness?

It is not inherently bad to train a dog with a harness, especially if the harness is a no-pull design with a front attachment point, which can help reduce pulling. However, for specific training goals like heel training, a collar might provide better directional control and feedback to the dog.

Why shouldn’t you use a dog harness?

A dog harness shouldn’t be used when you need precise control over the dog’s head and mouth, as harnesses primarily control the body. This is particularly relevant in training scenarios where guiding the dog’s attention directly is crucial.

Is a collar or harness better for dog training?

Whether a collar or a harness is better for dog training depends on the dog’s behavior and the training goals. Collars can offer better control for behavioral corrections and attention-focused training, while harnesses are safer and more comfortable for dogs prone to pulling or with neck issues. For general safety and comfort, particularly with pulling dogs, a harness is often recommended.


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Kyra Luo

Produktu dizaina vadītājs

Kyra ir QQPETS produktu dizaina vadītāja, kur viņas zināšanas augstas kvalitātes, pielāgotu lolojumdzīvnieku produktu izstrādē un izpratne par tirgus tendencēm ir palīdzējušas simtiem klientu sasniegt savus mērķus, ietaupīt naudu un apmierināt patērētāju vajadzības.

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Kyra Luo

Produktu dizaina vadītājs

Kyra ir QQPETS produktu dizaina vadītāja, kur viņas zināšanas augstas kvalitātes, pielāgotu lolojumdzīvnieku produktu izstrādē un izpratne par tirgus tendencēm ir palīdzējušas simtiem klientu sasniegt savus mērķus, ietaupīt naudu un apmierināt patērētāju vajadzības.

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