
What Type of Harness is Best for Dogs?

What Type of Harness is Best for Dogs?

As someone deeply embedded in the creation of pet products, I often get asked, “What’s the best type of harness for dogs?” This question isn’t just common—it’s crucial for dog owners who want the best for their furry friends, especially during walks, training, or even just for better control.

The best harness for your dog heavily depends on your dog’s specific needs, behaviors, and activities. Let’s dive into what makes a harness a good fit for your pup.

Harnesses come in several forms and functions, each tailored to different kinds of activities and canine behavior. From no-pull harnesses to those designed for service dogs, picking the right type can significantly improve both your dog’s comfort and your experience as a pet owner.

How Do Dog Harnesses Work?

Dog harnesses distribute pressure more evenly around your dog’s body than a traditional collar. When a dog pulls, a harness spreads the force across a larger area of the body, reducing strain on their neck and back. This design is particularly beneficial for dogs prone to pulling or those with respiratory or tracheal issues.

What are the Main Types of Harnesses?

Back-clip Harnesses: Ideal for small breeds or dogs that do not pull much, as they offer comfortable leash attachment that doesn’t tangle under the legs. This type of harness is perfect for calm, well-trained dogs.

Front-clip Harnesses: These are essential for training purposes or for dogs that tend to pull. The clip on the chest steers the dog towards you, offering better control and facilitating training to encourage walking without tugging on the leash.

Dual-clip Harnesses: By incorporating both front and back clips, these harnesses offer the best of both worlds. They are versatile enough for both training sessions and casual walks, adapting to various situations depending on your immediate needs.

Why Consider the Material and Fit?

The material of a harness not only affects its durability but also its comfort. Nylon is a common choice due to its strength and easy maintenance, while mesh offers breathability for added comfort during long walks or in warm weather. Padded harnesses provide extra comfort and are particularly good for dogs with sensitive skin.

Proper fit is crucial. An ill-fitting harness can lead to discomfort, escape, or even injury. Make sure the harness is snug, but not too tight, with room to fit two fingers under any strap. Regularly check the fit, especially if your dog is still growing or tends to change weight.

Specialized Harnesses for Specific Needs:

No-pull Harnesses: These are designed to discourage pulling without causing discomfort. When the dog pulls, the design gently redirects them towards you, making it easier to manage your walk.

Tactical Harnesses: Built for working dogs, these harnesses often come with extra handles for control and attachments for gear like cameras or ID tags. They are robust and designed for high-performance use.


Selecting the right harness is essential for ensuring your dog’s comfort and safety. Consider your dog’s size, behavior, and the activities you undertake together when choosing a harness. Whether you need a harness for casual walks, intense training, or special needs, there is a harness out there that is perfect for your canine companion.

Remember, the best harness is one that suits your dog’s individual needs and contributes to their overall well-being during outdoor activities.

QQPETS is the leading custom dog harness manufacturer of adjustable harnesses for dogs and other items that people may use when walking their dogs. Our goal is to make dog walking easy for pet owners by providing valuable accessories. We offer a variety of customization services including custom logos, custom graphics, custom products and more. If you want to start your dog products business, check out our website and contact us today.

FAQ about dog

What is the Safest Type of Harness for a Dog?

The safest type of harness for a dog is typically a Y-shaped harness. This design minimizes pressure on the dog’s throat and neck, distributes force more evenly across the chest and back, and does not restrict the dog’s natural movements. It’s especially suitable for active dogs and those prone to pulling.

What Dog Harness Do Vets Recommend?

Veterinarians often recommend harnesses that provide good support without restricting breathing, particularly for breeds susceptible to respiratory issues or those with delicate necks. Many vets prefer front-clip harnesses for dogs that pull as they help control the dog without putting pressure on the neck. For small breeds or dogs with tracheal collapse, a soft, padded harness that distributes pressure away from the throat is usually recommended.

How Do I Choose a Good Dog Harness?

When choosing a good dog harness, consider the following:

  • Fit and Comfort: Ensure the harness fits well without being too tight or too loose. It should allow two fingers to fit snugly under the straps.
  • Material: Look for durable, comfortable materials that won’t irritate your dog’s skin. Breathable fabrics are great for active dogs.
  • Adjustability: A harness with adjustable straps offers a more customized fit, which can enhance comfort and safety.
  • Type of Attachment: Decide between a front-clip, back-clip, or dual-clip harness based on your dog’s size, strength, and behavior.

Is a Collar and Lead Better Than a Harness?

Whether a collar and lead are better than a harness depends on the dog and the situation. Harnesses are generally better for dogs that pull, have respiratory issues, or require more control during walks. They distribute pressure more safely around the body, reducing the risk of injury. Collars are suitable for dogs that are well-behaved on walks, don’t pull, and for whom carrying identification visibly at all times is important. However, for training, controlling, or managing dogs in active scenarios, a harness is often the safer and more comfortable choice.


Article by

Kyra Luo

Product Design Manager

Kyra is the Product Design Manager at QQPETS, where her expertise in developing high-quality, customized pet products and keen insight into market trends has helped hundreds of clients achieve their goals, save money, and satisfy consumer needs.

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Kyra Luo

Product Design Manager

Kyra is the Product Design Manager at QQPETS, where her expertise in developing high-quality, customized pet products and keen insight into market trends has helped hundreds of clients achieve their goals, save money, and satisfy consumer needs.

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